Thursday, September 01, 2016

Allotments Versus Affordable homes and Red 61

Under threat

If you've stuck with my Blog for a few entries you may well have come across my thoughts on housing as well as the fact that I've got an allotment - well sad to report that there are moves afoot (sure to be resisted)  to use part of our allotment site in West London for 'Affordable' housing (whatever that currently means - my friends former house is on sale at nearly £1.5m).

I prefer it without houses 

I do regret that for many people a home of their own is now but a pipe dream, saddened to find a small bit of Green space that helps to provide head-space to urban dwellers could be sacrificed for housing.

Be far better to use some other land (of course) than London's oldest allotment site - even if the 10% suggested is used for houses it's not going to solve many people's need for housing  - and the allotment will never be recovered (and what about the other 90% -when will the Pathways charity be back for more how is the trust that bequeathed the allotments held to account?)

Fingers crossed that a successful campaign can resist the encroachment - but undoubtedly those without their own homes will be understandably miffed should that be the case.

A sentence could be hanging over Plot 202

Red 61

If life's just trundling along we might ignore it but when it's highlighted in Red can we?

And here's the big question with a red background

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