Friday, September 09, 2016

The BEAT starts (Ealing Art Trail) Red 53

Come and see us at the Orchard Café/OPEN Ealing

Well it's here (or very nearly anyway - it starts at 4:00 pm Today )  and I hope it brings some pleasure to those involved and those who come and take a look.

John Kaye 'in the House'
And a vision come to life

Yesterday John Kaye and I both made a start on putting together our individual areas - John's was looking pretty good at the end of proceedings.
Gordon (on the left) -will give demo's

I and 3 others will be showing at The Orchard Café at the back of the old BHS in West Ealing.

As well as static items we want to get people involved -Gordon Cookson the wood-turner will even be giving talks/demo's.

I'm hoping to get people involved with what I'm showing - so please do bring something Red and in return you get to look at over 300 Red images taken by me.

My own area is 'Under Construction'
My area as I got started

So if you get time either today or on Saturday or Sunday please do join Ealing's first Art trail.

Oh and talking about Red..

Red 53

A touch of Red at Street level on this man hole cover denotes 'attention'.

Keep Looking up and down
 [see the latest rough cut of the ongoing project here

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