Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Pop-Up doors close and Red 79

They never look straight do they?

Well today's the last day at 16 Bond St Ealing -  2 weeks ago we were setting up (closing at 2:00 pm)

and this time tomorrow I'll have returned the key and it'll be like we were never there.

It has though been something of an education for me and I've relished the interaction with those coming through the door (slightly too often they've been  other 'artists').

Gordon and Eileen's corner of the shop

John and Gordon had the job of providing window appeal

I have found that many people have suggestions and many are just curious.

It seems though that the deal is when you come in you have something like a conversation and that can't be a bad thing.

Mr Christa's final line up  and  now the pieces are  priced

Red 79

Lucky red dice

Have another go

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