Friday, August 12, 2016

50 year old classic Pop albums and Red 81

A tribute to 50 year old LP
We're collective celebrating 50 years of various successful Pop Albums  -with cultural products it's all too easy to label them as Classics or Game Changers - well I've taken a listen to one of the Mojo series of cover albums for Revolver and it's reminded me of just how good the original is.

Now I'm going to dig out my copy of  Blonde on Blonde and marvel at the ambition of Dylan's Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands but most of all, following the BBC's look at the Beach Boys Pet Sounds I'm going to revisit that  and some of the other late 60's early 70's albums masterminded by the delicate Brian Wilson - great programme if you can see it where you are but slightly surprised at how much screen time went to Helen Shapiro (Helen toured with the Beach Boys the UK in the 1960s)

West London Location shoot

A few of the vans parked 
A Location shoot marches on its stomach

It used to be one of the  main topics I'd tweet about but not seen so many recently.

On  my way home from the ' Pop Up' and I did see  one, quite a number of vehicles and personnel at the end of a days' shoot.

Location was junction of Gordon and Carlton roads Ealing - anyone know the project?

Red 81

Coming out of the Pop Up shop experience - 'artists' love to see these

A Red dot indicates a sale.

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