Thursday, May 19, 2016

(our part in) BEAT stage 2 and Red 166

BEAT -has been an effective shop window on the project
The BEAT 'pop-up' shop in Bond Street Ealing is coming to the end of its run - it has provided a good early start to the borough's Arts  initiative and those working on it deserve a serious pat on their backs - producing something so well and quickly reflects well on the spirit of the collective team ruining things.

So yesterday as well as taking back our items (a framed Photograph for me and two works from John)  - we're looking at the next stage of our part in the project.

I think the two of us have hit the jackpot with our venue - not only is it a great 'space' (as they say) but we've got an excellent facilitator gently guiding us and offering much needed support  and input.

It's big enough and there's a lift too.

A booth type studio perhaps

The massively enthusiastic OPEN Ealing has a café  (Orchard Café opening very soon)and  above this is their dedicated location for lectures and classes we're going to be exhibiting in there across two weekends in September.

There's no picture rail but I can suspend prints on 'lines' and there are easels to show some framed photographic prints - John will have some stands and low tables for his works.

What I took from our preliminary meeting and survey was that the theme for BEAT as whole is a working  'Studio' and we should bring some of that into what we put together - I'm percolating something of a 'Darkroom' idea along with something where I can take photo's of  those visiting and upload to a website and provide a 'Postcard' type print for them - this might be too ambitious but it feels realisable at this stage.

I'm also going to look at the idea of using 'back projection' to make a showpiece of Red for 'out of hours'.

Red 166

What does this logo mean for goodness sake?

Does this say something that can easily be decoded?

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