The doors beckoned me in to this modern day Aladdin's cave |
He had got a small tablet that he'd found really useful and having shown him (online) a device that interested me (the Lenovo Miix 300) he made the excellent suggestion that I should go and see the physical entity.
As the best place to buy this was John Lewis (Never Knowingly Undersold) I went along to their flagship store -it's a consumer heaven.
A bigger choice than I anticipated |
I sometimes disparage those who hope to find salvation (or at least some small portion of happiness) from buying the latest fashions or most sophisticated gadgets - I could feel my inner acquisitiveness as I reached the electronics department - enormous new generation Ultra -HD tellies, super new digital cameras (on a side note - interesting to learn here about Kodak's early digital camera development) for me though it was good to see the device I had in mind - but the downside was the number of alternatives - that tyranny of choice becoming apparent.
I was mildly amused to see the range of knowledge on display by the shoppers, some who were prepared and had researched, others with a far more limited grasp of the nature of what they were looking to buy.
For me it did help me make a decision but sadly having decided to go for it I find the particular model is out of stock - but they will advise (via email) if and when it's back - if you see it at around £120 do let me know.
Red 154
On the way from JL spotted a nice red character aimed at childrenHamley's figure -Not sure how this fits in with 'Modern Childhood' images. |