Friday, November 27, 2015

Growing and Red 340

Cristo for planting
Earlier in the week I bought a couple of Garlic Bulbs, this time I'm trying a French variety Cristo  (well it some out well in terms of Garlicky-ness) - having panted a dozen or so in pots rather disappointed to find that Broad beans have been targeted - not sure if birds or squirrels are responsible but will plant more.

Something likes  young Broad Beans

Earlier I've sung the praises of tree pruning and interested to see on local allotment site some serious cutting back - you can imagine the importance of safety as I was cautious on my own much smaller scale works.
Tree Fellers- Not perfect but I'm impressed

Red 340

Not only McDonalds use Red to effect in their logo.
Another Iconic figure in the takeaway food firmament

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