Sunday, March 04, 2007

More Media Consolidation

BT Media and Broadcast

The sale of what used to be BT Broadcast has been a long time completing but the deal has been green lighted by the UK regulator OFT (office of Fair trading).

The takeover does provide Arqiva with dominance in the UK distribution market as it is presently constituted and will need careful monitoring but in truth broadcasts new markets are likely to be around handheld devices and those that are internet delivered (with the exception of the bandwidth consuming High Definition TV).

ITV the natural home of SMG?

Now that the merger of two of Great Britain’s relative minnows, UTV (Ulster Television) and SMG the Scottish Media Group) within the commercial television sector is off, perhaps it’s time for Michael Grade to make a slightly bold move and purchase it at a knock down price? ITV Plc is undoubtedly the company that would gain and costs could be cut and value released, if not now Michael perhaps later?

Big Bro’

Now the latest reports on US internal security seem like the sort of thing one can imagine in a cold war paranoia film but they have; sad to say a horrible ring of truth to them (and please for goodness sake don’t give me that ‘innocent people don’t need to worry’ nonsense).

And Big Bro' two (too)

Who'd of thought it? Welsh Conservatives in practical 'Green' proposal shock?

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