Friday, October 16, 2015

Parklet moves to West Ealing and Compost for all

Well it's something you don't see every day.
After a couple of months in Ealing's Bond Street the innovative place to meet aka 'the Parklet' is now trail-ing in West Ealing's Avenue.

The avenue has a variety of retail outlets and a fair amount of people during daytime so I suppose it's a good place to see if it is used.

I don't know how well the experiment went in the centre of  Ealing but I fear that now we've hit the autumn months it'll lose what appeal it might have had and that it'll deteriorate and gather waste.

Compost for all

We should compost more - that is those with a garden are missing a trick so little these days that's for free and not only environmentally friendly but minimal work.
The enclosures on plot 202

I've got three separate piles going on my allotment but find in fact the plastic unit at home works much better - not sure if this is because of the wide mix of materials that get put in or the fact that a good temperature is maintained by the structure.

The bin in the back

No work involved just keeping to one side potato peelings tea bags etc. it's next to the dustbin so also put dust from Vacuum cleaner in along with torn up cardboard and other organic waste plus some wet things (like coffee dregs).

It's quite fascinating to look inside and no smell to speak of - I did hear on the radio someone making the good point that coffee grounds are suggested to keep Slugs and Snails away from vegetables - but they certainly don't deter them on compost heaps.

Composting means less landfill and less pollution (fewer refuse truck trips) - here's a list of benefits.

I take fresh compost out when the mood takes me but the reduction in volume and the rich material are a joy to behold - find out more here.
A selection of inputs to the bin

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