Sunday, February 05, 2017

More Church, Those (free) Shoes and (36)

I've mentioned how Churches come and go with some older ones perhaps becoming apartments but there are other buildings converting to places of worship - like this one below.  

Used to be one of those splendid Picture Palaces.
What's interesting about this congregation and their faith is the enthusiasm - the people who attend make an occasion of their visit and they're often out passing leaflets and encouraging others to 'see the light'.

This is (as you can see) a Pentecostal Church - The term Pentecostal comes from the Greek name for the Jewish Feast of Weeks.

Pentecostal Churches are revivalist churches and a worldwide movement  where congregants may speak in tongues and believe in present day miracles.

The Elim Pentecostal Church was founded by a Welshman George Jeffreys at a difficult and challenging time for faith in Europe (1915).


Converse- A reward for my feet 

Another miracle of the internet (and Small Pleasure)  - my feedback and insights into web application meant I was rewarded - amazing to convert this virtual time into a pair of leisure shoes by very efficient JD sports - all quite painless and rather jolly.

£48.85 will soon be £50

Doors (36)

A rather nice identifier 

On with the faith and we've got a Churchfield Road.

Another Blue Door with staggered numbers (above) and rather nice glazed panels 

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