Thursday, April 16, 2015

Man takes a pay cut (voluntarily) and a couple more great BBC Programmes

Strangely excited to hear this morning (from the radio) of a guy who has taken a pay cut so that his staff can receive more, the CEO of  Gravity Dan Price is effectively carrying out a brave experiment on reward.

Seems Dan Price has been influenced by a 2010 report on happiness -good luck to him
What should we pay him?

Other Great BBC Programmes

yesterday I mentioned some must watch TV shows that UK residents can catch on BBC iPlayer well here's two more that i should have mentioned:

Giles Coren brother of Victoria and son of  the late Alan (a one time editor of Punch) - has a somewhat laconic style as well as a strong interest in food and is well suited to being the front-person  the BBC series looking back at how British people's diet   has changed over the last 50 years.

The deceit of the show 'Back in Time for Dinner'  is for a family to rapidly advance though the decades and years looking at Social history with a food-a-centric  gaze - it works well, seem to be a really nice family and the introduction and effect of technology has also introduced an interesting perspective to it.

The other programme which I happened upon pretty much by chance was on a subject I've commented on before the London fashion for extending under the home -well in Ealing I know of a handful of such homes but in Kensington and Holland Park areas it's pretty much endemic.
A  development in Ealing down under 

The difference  is that as you get further into town the basements become more lavish and deeper also the challenges to moving materials in and out.

 Millionaire Basement Wars - certainly showed a class within London that are seriously Mega rich.

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