Thursday, May 30, 2013

Don't sniff stinging nettles and idea #133 is Multiculturalism

Don't sniff
I've got quite a number of seedlings started, I don't always label them and somehow I seem to be stinging nettle
growing a lone
So it seems common  sense to say don't sniff stinging nettles, I did they don't really smell but they'll sting your nose!

Big Idea #133 is Multiculturalism

It's a term that is often used in a derisory manner but perhaps it's more about diversity?
Multiculturalism is the idea around celebrating diversity, in the UK it was seen as a good way of working allowing people to keep there cultures when they arrive from other countries.
In France the state has taken a different view expecting people to bury some of their baggage- laws have been created around restrictions on wearing the hijab in public, in the USA the expectation is that citizens subsume partially their cultural identity to become part of the US 'melting pot'.
The acts of terrorists who were born and raised in the UK  has put further doubt in some politicians minds on the Multicultural approach.

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