Saturday, April 07, 2018

What Politicians do ..

After a few hours pottering around 1932 Kevin and I went and had a quick look at some of the exhibits there that are used to cite the commencement of what we might call modern/contemporary art -the two defining items at Tate Modern being Duchamp's Fountain and Man Ray's Cadeau.
Can you iron me a shirt please?

[Sadly, perhaps both of these are not 'originals' - but then that's a contentious label to attach to Duchamp's 'readymades'.]

As we wandered and listened in to an enthusiastic guide I was reminded that we'd come to a place (in history) where we see Art as what Artists do and what we see in Galleries - and perhaps this could be seen as a little reductionist and lazy?

James at the Fountain (looking like a figure made by Duane Hanson

What I'm bringing myself to say here is that Politics is what Politicians say and that taking their outrage and statements as anything further than that can disappoint and lead to dissolution - The furores around at the moment are something that people themselves will need to deal with and navigate solutions to - our P.M.  (cutting Police numbers) and  our current Foreign Secretary in HM's government (mucking up statement on 'alleged' Russian assassination attempt)   more likely a cause of concern than a cure to the problems? (discuss).

{and I'm not saying another of the current breed of Westminster politicians is going to do much better}

West Ealing- This used to be Burger King - what on earth is 'Star Burger?' (another Readymade?)

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