The year ahead
Well a bit over 4 years ago I started a project to take a Photo with something red in it every day for a year - partly inspired by Noah Scalin's book 365: A Daily Creativity Journal - Make Something Every Day and Change Your Life! and partly wanting to take a photo (or two) every day- it ended up being 366 pictures (Leap year) and brought me to do other things too - I would recommend the approach for others, imagine writing a page of something every day for a year - that's quite a book.
Well I've got a few 'Arty' courses coming up and a gift voucher to use on books - so to accommodate the new focus I've got myself ' 365 Days of Drawing' by Lorna Scobie and I'll try and record the experience over 2020 here
Well it's another leap year so look out for 366 exercises.
oh yes and the photographs continue (I tweet a picture everyday, check me out under tjbourne on twitter) and I'm still interested in Mosaics, saw this in the road in Ealing and it felt like it almost was a Mosaic as it stood .
But what is it? |