Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Meeting Kevin and (31)

This September I'll reach the time when I've know Kevin 50 years - as we meet and chat I continue to learn from and with him, yesterday we spent most of the day at London's National Gallery and our 'Major' was Australian Impressionism.
Kevin, like me has hardly changed
 in 50 years

A good talk kicked off providing the information to the exhibition we would visit later this  took in 'Nationhood'  along with the opportunity that developments in paints and practice which made Plein air painting possible first in Europe but then later around the world.

Nice to have a small  exhibition rather that a 'blockbuster' and at a 'negotiated' £5.50 it offered decent enough value - afterwards we also looked at some other 'impressionist' works like Turner's Rain,Speed and Steam (that shorthand in works on canvas for modernity and industrialisation).

Really Good- And it's a thumbs up from me for the new
 Fourth Plinth work outside London's National Gallery

Month one over and  £43.16 pence 


The end of the first month and it's been more of a challenge than I expected - I'll review and consider a little tomorrow.

A first the 'rise'

Number 31 signals the end of January 

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