Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Lomo effect and Politics (including Rifkind gone)

There's been quite a bit of interest in a return to a more unplanned and spontaneous type of photography perhaps a less of the high-tech and more of a low-fi  sensibility.

One such example of this interest is mentioned in Pring's book and it centres on the Lomo cameras and the process one individual, Richard Cynan Jones took in rediscovering something of the joy of early photography - Richard now even teaches early photography techniques

Lomography is the term used to describe the photography performed using the LCA cameras that has now got quite a following, it was reborn as an active branch of Analogue photography  in Vienna by a group of Viennese students in the early 1990s.

The cameras a re now available and the iconic Lomo LC-A which some might describe as a rather limited 35 mm compact camera   can be purchased on Ebay for around £50.

You can transform (degrade some might say) to a quasi- Lomo effect using modern computer software like Picasa, here's my 'Lomo-ed' picture of an office block

How a modern London office block might look when photographed with analogue Russian camera

Political price paid (in full) but Greens looking shaky

Well as we head towards the UK General election, any sentimentality from the Political parties is in short supply - Rifkind has realised this and announced he will not be Conservative candidate for election, Jack Straw had previously announced his retirement but now looks unlikely to make it (in the short term anyway) to the House of Lords . 

Away from the big beasts things are not looking good for the Green  party whose leader Sydney born Natalie Bennett has been making Nigel Farage look competent.
Bennett has performed poorly recently on TV (Andrew Neil at BBC) and Radio (Nick Ferrari at LBC)  
 Unlike her predecessor the measured and popular  Caroline Lucas Bennett seems ill at ease when interviewed on specifics - not sure how the full campaign will find her. 

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