Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Squash and # 126 Marxism

Bought a few seed packets at the weekend and have sown them, they're:

Sage -seems to have a few beneficial side affects as well as being a nice addition to Chicken based dishes.

Pak Choi - seems to have a few good things going for it too.

Have also planted Squash (F1) which is good because it is a late 'cropper' and also seems to have some useful attributes.

Idea number 126 is Marxism

Marxism is considered to be modern communism and was set out in works by influential texts like the Communist Manifesto Marx and Engels in the  middle of 19th Century
The theory is characterised as Dialectical Materialism  and has a somewhat scientific and deterministic  approach to history and development.
Although the societal development path has been somewhat disproved by the revolutions instigate d by Mao (China) and Lenin USSR) the  ideas remain key.

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