Mustard and Cress

Hopefully Mustard and Cress has some health benefits too, this site gives some indications of some foods that are said to provide extra nutrients.
Dead Man Down

I reckon that both Colin Farrell (an Irish Man playing a Hungarian) and Noomi Rapace (a Swedish woman playing a French character) put in pretty good performances. Plenty of action and I only closed my eyes very briefly.

This idea of a Utopian state or society has been used in many fictional works both in a positive portrayal like that of William Morris's News from Nowhere and darker works like that of Aldous
Huxley's Brave New World .
Although actual large scale realisations like the Communist states in the USSR and China have not ended well smaller versions of Ideal communities have been more successful these include the Scottish New Lanark experiment and the Kibbutzs of Israel.
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