Sunday, December 31, 2006


Looking back a year it’s interesting to see where I was and what I thought (tomorrow I’ll do some thoughts on 2007) here’s a look back on 2006.

David Cameron – looks like he’ll be the next prime minister after a Gordon interlude.
ITV – still needs to be resolved and Michael Grade will just make it more saleable.
Pete Doherty -think the jury is still out

Recycling/de-clutter and accumulating less – I’ve been trying to keep my resolution on this and with help of e-bay and BookMooch I could be getting close but need to do more – here are some links (from the independent newspaper) that might help me in 2007. Site for those who want to exchange unwanted stuff with one another.
A group of local societies dedicated to swap­ping items that are no longer wanted, to keep things out of landfill.
Are your shelves past capacity with nov­els you've already read, and-have no intention of re-reading? This exchange service will find them a deserving home - and get you something else to read.

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