Monday, February 15, 2021

Broke my Porridge Bowl

 Well the signs of  change brought about by 11 very odd months are undoubtedly mixed and it'll take some time before we're sure which  are embedded and which more transitory, perhaps some of the things we've made the effort for will be preserved?

Plenty of people still carrying  their takeaway coffees (not me), Cash  economy just about gone I've not withdrawn any money since last March (if not before), main cash transactions being with Window cleaner   and I've pretty much stopped watching the  TV News (for a mixture of reasons - main one being  it makes my overall mood worse) .

The way accidents happen means inevitably we'll lose things we are attached too and so it was the other day my Quaker Oats Porridge bowl (also used for Soup) came crashing to the ground and broke into something more, I estimate than 100 pieces - well I couldn't find an exact replacement so I've gone upmarket and am putting more faith in something that perhaps reflects 'worth' - will see what it's like when it (they arrive) - but if you know where I can get the Quaker bowl do let me know.  (email 

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