Friday, April 10, 2015

Design Museum award 2015 - great new display

Designs of the Year 2015

It's some time since my last volunteer  touring duty at the Design Museum (just by Tower Bridge) and although 'Women in Fashion' is still going strong there's now a great new collection on display reflecting the 2015 Design competition.

The items up for the award this year are incredibly eclectic and various - from Australian Housing developments (in Sydney) to interactive street lighting.

Cars were on show too including a surprising BMW i8 which looks every inch the gas guzzler but has great green credentials and can still reach a top speed of around 155 mph and a model of the Google self drive car (will it though go the way of Google Glass?).

Looks like a sports car?
A model of an Electric Google car
 (it's from an F1 designer too).

It's a BMW and it does how many Miles to the Gallon?
A right old eclectic selection

There were also some items that could creep under the radar like iPad keyboards and inventive publishing models - all just reminded me (and hopefully others) what a broad church design is.

Sydney's Housing.

Keyboards for the iPad

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