Sunday, May 18, 2014

Vik Muniz, Allotment, Panoramas and funding for a film project

The TED talks on various subjects are a source of stimulus, information and entertainment - today I enjoyed A J Jacobs talking about his life experiment following biblical rules good points made with humour.

But the guy who stood out as a creative was Vik Muniz, his  story how he succeeded as a  Brazilian artist working (now) mainly in photography was awe inspiring  but such a descriptions short changes his achievements,  take a look.

On the subject of Photography ..

I've been planting on the allotment, beetroot, beans and Kohlrabi transfered as seedlings, plenty more to follow but looking good.
A view towards the shed and Northfields Road
It's a challenge to capture on camera some views - there's a neat little package that lets you stitch together several views taken from the same spot.
The software is ICE a fee package from Microsoft  and the pictures above are composites of 3 or 4 pictures taken from the same point but moved through about 30 degrees at each point - the computation is then made to create anew view with the joins not immediately apparent
A view from the same spot  (east)

Kickstarter Film

A friend of mine is working on a project to make a film about a method of  helping people to heat their homes more efficiently by using  what's known as Airtightness - the project is being funded by Kickstarter if you want to help look here.

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