Sunday, November 10, 2013

Energy Best Deals

Brrr it's turning cold..

The Big Six energy companies operating in the UK are now being daemon-ised in much the same way that the bankers were after the recent economic melt down.

On Friday I was present at an Energy Best Deal presentation learning how the information was made available to interested parties. In my mind there is little doubt that the market is not working to the best advantage of the consumer particularly those who are labeled as bing in fuel poverty.

I personally have been remiss in finding the best deal for our household and I have been presented with detail so have little excuse.

What you need to do to take control of the situation is:

1) Get you most recent annual fuel statement/s  which will show you what energy you have used.

2) Use a legitimate energy comparison site  -the Which one is a good one it is unbiased and non profit making

3) Consider how you can benefit from Government initiatives (like the Green deal) , older people are offered extra help and there are  grants and off-sets which may apply to you.

4) Look at how you can improve your own home's energy efficiency - e.g. use the latest high efficiency LED lighting or add lagging to your hot water tanks.

5) Reduce room temperatures in rooms you don't use so much -see if you can benefit from the modern washing formulas that allow for lower temperature washes in your machine (there seems to be some controversy on this).

6) Consider using energy companies other than the 'Big 6' to help alternative technologies blossom.

If you've other ideas let me know by email.

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