Last week major catastrophe as our boiler went on an early spring holiday, now I don't know if you've been hearing the British Gss service advert (see BBC on the service)on the radio implying that there's very little more important than their commitment to keep your system in tip-top condition?
If you have my advice sprinkle a load of salt on that impression and then top it up with an ever larger sprinkle.

Big London Energy Switch
Now alongside the cost of keeping the heating and hot water going is the cost of the energy we're currently signed up for 'dual fuel' but London councils have an energy initiative called Big London Switch it's meant to get customers a better deal - the deal we're offered is from Sainsbury's and although the headline figure is higher than our existing provider (British Gas) there's meant to be a £210 refund after a year - so having to consider this and seeing if it impacts service agreements.
Insulating Ealing
And number 3 on the energy list is another initiative this one Called Insulating Ealing, this comprises of a Green Deal Survey and demo of the install - will see what it amounts to and report back.
As a bit of a change the Big Idea is Violence
Abortion and Euthanasia excepted most societies are pretty much against murder -Thomas Hobbes was of the view that one of the State's main responsibilities. Without the state Hobbes reckoned that life would be
(although the state might do this in some cases).
Having said that there have been politicians and philosophers who have held that violence can sometimes be justified ( Karl Marx wanting to overthrow capitalism is a prime example)