Is this a good thing, in one street nearby a homeowner has taken to putting bollards in the spot outside their house when they're using their car?
I suppose it doesn't help that there are so many 2 (or more) car households and that so few people and (myself included) so few people using the garages they have.
I guess this is one of many challenges we face in living in a world with other people and accommodating them (and they accommodating us), generally (in my view) there's too much intervention by government/local authorities but unless we speak to one another then such problems will remain unresolved, apart from the irritation the lack of affordable local parking gives the ' out-of-town' and 'big-boys' like Tesco's Asda etc. an unfair advantage over smaller high street shops.
Big Idea Number 53 Cynicism
Many of us relish being termed Cynics thinking the world weary badge when attached by others behove upon us the virtues of wisdom and experience but in truth Cynicism means much more than a lowly judgement on our fellow man.
Crofton's book pointed me at Antisthenes said to be the originator of the Cynic philosophy and Diogenes famed for both living in a barrel and asking Alexander the Great to move out of his light. Cynics believe broadly that we (people in society) are stopped from leading 'honest' lives as we compromise and lie to reach an accommodation.
It may be interesting to reflect while we consider hedonism Cynicism etcetera how these 'strands' have ultimately evolved from Aristotle and Socrates and are often a difference of emphasis and perspective that does not necessarily imply a complete break with the founding figures.
Here's the In Our Time on the subject and a really good summary of Diogenes (who didn't write down his philosophy but lived it) below.
Here's the In Our Time on the subject and a really good summary of Diogenes (who didn't write down his philosophy but lived it) below.